Ammonia Shut-off Valves

STC Ammonia Shut-off Valve

STC are angleway and straightway shut-off valves which are designed to meet industrial
refrigeration application requirements. The valves are designed to give flavourable flow characteristics and are easy to dismantle and repair when necessary

Features and benefits

SVA Ammonia Shut-off Valve

SVA shut-off valves are available in angle way 
and straightway versions and with Standard 
neck (SVA-S) and Long neck (SVA-L). The shut-off valves are designed to meet all
industrial refrigeration application
requirements and are designed to give
favourable flow characteristics and are easy to
dismantle and repair when necessary. The valve cone is designed to ensure perfect closing and withstand a high system pulsation and vibration, which can be present specifically in the discharge line.

Features and benefits